BAM Global Movement - This contemporary design is carried through with a silver case cover material which offsets and supports the industrial feel of the jacket. Instead of foil for the title, I opted for a white ink stamp on the case design. Published by Hendrickson Publishers in 2018.

Even the Soundwaves Obey Him - Cover and interior design for a teaching resource from Concordia Publishing House. Published in 2005, the design of this product is still one of my favorites. Bright and colorful cover with lots of fun waves! The interior design has lots of visual interest and is easy to navigate. Illustrations by Dana Regan.

Corpus Christologicum - This magnificent reference work, for the study of Jewish and Christian messianism, demanded a bold and classic cover treatment. I chose a dark rich navy to offset the golden section of ancient manuscript and used a pronounced title typeface that signaled its importance to scholars and students. Cover image is from Papyrus 967 © Papyrussammlung Köln. Published by Hendrickson Academic in 2021.

A Scripture Index to Rabbinic Literature - This comprehensive index catalogs approximately 90,000 references to the Bible found in classical rabbinic literature. It needed to look the part. A simple, but elegant type treatment made sense. Printed in Pantone colors to get a consistent vibrant blue background. Published by Hendrickson Academic in 2021.

Metathesis in the Hebrew Bible - This cover shows a visual representation of sounds in wordplay as a creative tool implemented by ancient Hebrew scribes during linguistic, textual, and literary-stylistic metathesis. The design request was a cover that reflected the seriousness and (to a certain degree) the "playfulness" of the topic. Cover image © Brovko. Published by Hendrickson Publishers in 2018.

Jesus and the Manuscripts - In this significant book, well-known scholar and professor Craig Evans critically analyzes important texts and quotations in their original languages and engages the current scholarly discussion. The cover image is a folio depicting Mark 9, used with permission of the Chester Beatty, Dublin. Published by Hendrickson Academic in 2020.

Christianity in the Roman Empire - Robert Winn bridges the gap between contemporary Christians and those who lived in the Roman Empire from AD 100-300. With the colorful Roman column positioned on its side, this cover shows the unconventional life of the early Christians in the face of cultural and societal pressures to build the faith community we have today. Column image derived from illustration by lublubachka/iStock. Published by Hendrickson Publishers in 2018.

Essential Writings of Meredith G. Kline - It was an honor to be chosen to design this book. The articles in this book provide an overview of Kline's scholarship as a whole and display the unique, creative, and Christocentric way in which he interpreted the entire Bible. Jonathan G. Kline, the editor and also Meredith's grandson, compiled sixteen "best of" articles of his grandfather's thinking and scholarship into one book. The Kline family provided the author photos used on the jacket cover and back flap. Matte brown pigment was stamped on the brown case material to create the patterned effect. Published by Hendrickson Publishers in 2017.

Job: The Faith to Challenge God - In this new commentary, biblical scholar Michael Brown brings Job to life for the twenty-first-century reader. A clean, simple, and bold design was appropriate to support the emotional cover art by Gonzalo Carrasco. Published by Hendrickson Academic in 2019.

Guidebook for Instruction in the Christian Religion - In 1913, Dutch theologian Herman Bavinck (1854-1921) completed this writing to educate the average churchgoer in the rich, deep thoughts of Scripture as universally expressed in the Christian faith. This is the first time this book has been translated into English. The use of the Soerabaja typeface along with the floral texture and faux binding harken back to the decorative Dutch cover designs during Bavinck's time.
Published by Hendrickson Academic in 2022.
Published by Hendrickson Academic in 2022.

Celebrate Family / Celebrate Feelings : Get Two-gether Books - These two books feature black and white photos capturing special family moments and expressions of feelings. Heidi Bratton is the author and photographer. My task was to create bright and playful layouts on the covers and interiors to accent the photography and also appeal to young readers. Published by Concordia Publishing House in 2000.

The Ark of the Covenant in Its Egyptian Context - The author requested a contemporary cover design juxtaposed with an ancient image taken from the interior to communicate a strong impression of the book's contents. I chose this particular image based upon its coloring and detail. The angled image placement along with the typeface treatments provided a modern look to set this cover apart from similar books in the genre. Published by Hendrickson Academic in 2020.

God Words - This book is a collection of essays that share the elementary truths of God's Word. The text encourages the reader to build upon their knowledge and understanding of God. I looked for classic Christian woodcut imagery that when stacked as building blocks represented these truths. Published by Concordia Publishing House in 2004.

Archy's Activity Books : Adventures with Numbers/Letters/Colors - These three activity books take children ages 4 to 7 through 16 pages of active learning fun. It was a pleasure to collaborate with illustrator Susan Morris to complete the design and layout for the cover and interior pages. Published by Concordia Publishing House in 1998.

The Accidental Executive - Albert Erisman writes about lessons on business, faith, and calling from the life of Joseph. To tie these together on the cover I chose a foreshortened image of The Shard in London by Lisa-Blue/iStock as a modern representation of the pyramids of Egypt.
Published by Hendrickson Publishers in 2015.
Published by Hendrickson Publishers in 2015.

How the Bible is Written - This book guides interested readers into the original text of the Hebrew Bible and provides them with a greater appreciation of its literary artistry and linguistic virtuosity. The image used on the jacket is a carpet page from the Damascus Keter, housed in the National Library of Israel. Photo by Zev Radovan / Alamy Stock Photo. Published by Hendrickson Publishers in 2019.