Each summer Auburn, Indiana features an outdoor art exhibit. In March of 2011, twenty local artists were provided with the same basic easel to paint on. Each artist chose a subject that would represent the town of Auburn. The finished easels were displayed outdoors around the downtown from June to September. They were auctioned off at a dinner auction in September and half of the proceeds went to support the Downtown Auburn Business Association.
Here is the basic sketch. The subject I chose to represent were the Christian churches. The contemporary stylized cross is drawn with a lot of motion, indicative of the vibrant life that can be experienced in the hearts and minds of those who believe in Jesus. Descending from above in the form of a dove, is the Holy Spirit, who counsels each believer during their life on this earth.
Start of blocking in color. The colors are symbolic: Red for the blood of Jesus, Sky Blue for the waters of baptism, Grey and Dark Brown for the believer's sin, and Gold for the King of kings.

More of the color work completed and rendering taking shape. The dark lines delineate the colorful shapes and give the painting a stained glass feel.

Starting work on the back. I hand lettered a bible passage to support the artwork on the other side.

The design will be contemporary generic stripes which visually support and guide the viewers eye as they read the bible passage.
I titled this piece–Living Water. This taken from John 4:10. There Jesus is talking with a woman at Jacob's well. He says to her, "If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water."
^ WIth the design of the base I'm making reference to a spring of water. In John 4:13 Jesus again answers the woman, "Everyone who drinks this water will be thirsty again, but whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life." I also intended this part of the painting to represent the waters of baptism.

The completed back of the easel.
The easel on location, downtown Auburn.