The design of The Complete Jewish Study Bible shows the complexity of the Jewishness of God’s Word yet still appears accessible to both Jew and Gentile readers. The traditional color palette derives from the blue and gold used on Jewish prayer shawls or tallits. A stunning feature of the hardcover design is a section of the ornate ceiling of the Cetate Synagogue in Timisoara, Romania. The gold and impressed olive branches on the covers are symbolic of peace and reconciliation between God and man through Christ Jesus. The design of the interior pick up sections of the Cetate Synagogue in colorful introductions to the track articles. I set it up in readers format and provided art direction to the typesetter.
Art directions and layout design sent to typesetter.
Cover, introductions, and track article design artwork: Photograph © Florin Cnejevici.
Cover and topical article (olive branch) design artwork: © Labombarbe.
Typeset by Yvonne Vermillion of Magic Graphix. Printed in Italy by L.E.G.O.
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